Types of folk polyphony in Ukrainian singing folklore
In Ukraine, traditional singing has been preserved till the beginning of the 21st century. Most genres involve ensemble singing a cappella. The article considers the types of folk polyphony that have become the most widespread in Ukrainian ethnic lands and have preserved up to nowadays. Early traditional song genres are characterized by the following types of polyphony: monophony (southwestern traditions), bourdon diaphony (northeastern traditions) and varieties of heterophony (most other traditions). On the bank of the middle course of the Dnipro, women sing in double voice register-resonators which are of a chest-type for the whole ensemble and a head-type one. In the songs not related to ancient ceremonies, another type of polyphony was formed: functional two-part singing. This type of texture-facture was formed on the lands of Central and Left-bank Ukraine. Gradually, it has spread to other territories and become one of the features of the national singing style.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13132/1826-9001/23.2333
Registrazione presso la Cancelleria del Tribunale di Pavia n. 552 del 14 luglio 2000 – ISSN elettronico 1826-9001 | Università degli Studi di Pavia | Dipartimento di Musicologia | Pavia University Press
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