Philological and Textual Issues in Mendelssohn's Hebrides Overture, Op. 26 |
Captions |
Example 1a |
Hebrides Overture, mm. 1-9: familiar version (copy text: Source ER). |
Example 1b |
Hebrides Overture, mm. 1-9: Fassung letzter Hand (copy text: Source ES [see discussion below]). |
Example 2 |
Hebrides Overture: AR pp. 5-6 (copy text: AR). |
Example 3a |
Hebrides Overture, end of exposition as it existed ca. 25 February 1831 (copy text: AR, with recourse to CO). |
Example 3b |
Hebrides Overture, end of exposition as it existed ca. June 1832 (copy text: CL, with recourse to AL). |
Example 3c |
Hebrides Overture, piano-duet version of end of exposition as it existed ca. June 1832 (copy text: APf) |
Example 4a |
Hebrides Overture, development section as it existed ca. 25 February 1831 (copy text: AR, with recourse to CO). |
Example 4b |
Hebrides Overture, development section as it existed ca. June 1832 (copy text: AL, with recourse to CL). |
Example 5a |
Hebrides Overture, retransition as it existed ca. 25 February 1831 (copy text: AR, with recourse to CO). |
Example 5b |
Hebrides Overture, retransition as it existed ca. May-June 1832 (copy text: ante correcturam of AL, with recourse to CL). |
Example 6 |
Hebrides Overture, extension of principal subject in recapitulation, as it existed ca. 25 February 1831 (copy text: AR, with recourse to CO). |
Example 7a |
Hebrides Overture, coda as it existed 1830-31 (corresponding to mm. 226-44 of familiar version). |
Example 7b |
Hebrides Overture, coda as revised in AL (mm. 226-44). |
Example 8a |
Hebrides Overture, end of coda as it existed ca. 25 February 1831 (copy text: AR, with recourse to CO). |
Example 8b |
Hebrides Overture, end of coda as it existed ca. June 1832 (copy text: AL, with recourse to CL). |
Figure 1 |
Letter from Mendelssohn to his family, 7-11 August 1829, with draft for opening of Hebrides Overture (New York Public Library). |
Figure 2 |
Letter from Mendelssohn to Fanny Hensel, 25 February 1832, with characterization of “Italian musical script” (Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS M. Deneke Mendelssohn d.13, no. 42). |
Figure 3 |
First page of earliest full-score autograph of Hebrides Overture (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Collection of Robert Owen Lehman). |
Figure 4 |
AR p. 14, with inscription in blue pencil by Ignaz Moscheles Zoom: inscription in blue pencil by Ignaz Moscheles |
Figure 5 |
First page of AL (Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS M. Deneke Mendelssohn d. 71, fol. 2r). |
Figure 6 |
Fol. 17r of CO, with “italienische Notenschreibesprache” (Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS M. Deneke Mendelssohn d. 58). |
Figure 7 |
AR pp. 16-17, with deleted measures between mm. 114 and 115. |
Figure 8 |
AR p. 33, with cross-hatched measure between mm. 221 and 222. |
Figure 9 |
AR p. 3 (courtesy of Robert Owen Lehman collection, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York). |
Figure 10 |
AR p. 29 (courtesy of Robert Owen Lehman collection, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York). |
Figure 11 |
AL fol. 18r (courtesy of Bodleian Library, Oxford). |
Figure 12 |
AL fol. 12v (courtesy of Bodleian Library, Oxford). |
Table 1 |
Sources for the Hebrides Overture. |
Table 2 |
Large-scale Revisions in the Hebrides Overture: Interaulic Textual Correlations (with reference to AR and AL) |
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Dipartimento di Scienze musicologiche e paleografico-filologiche – Facoltà di Musicologia |