A global approach for financial flows management in insurance companies. The Italian experience

Antonella Silvestri -


In insurance companies the financial flows' dynamics is influenced by heterogeneous factors, some of them linked to technical features of insurance field and some others common to all financial dealers (i.e.
market risks).
The main recent changes which took place within the insurance field intensified competitive pressure and underlined the key role of financial area in defining the overall firms' profitability and imposing, at the
same time, a higher attention to the financial risk control. Particularly important is the interest rate risk, for its effect on financial flows and on solvency firms conditions.
Knowing that financial and technical activity are related in insurance companies, the main research question is: it is still worthy to look separately risks and investment policies or if it is better to acknowledge a new important management variable which fosters a global  management approach (Asset and Liability Management - ALM), within a decisional process oriented to the long term firm value creation and to the stabilization of profit margins?


insurance companies; financial flows; asset and liability management; market risks; financial area; interest rate risk.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4485/ea2038-5498.91-110


Registered by the Cancelleria del Tribunale di Pavia N. 685/2007 R.S.P. – electronic ISSN 2038-5498


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